Do you even know what time it is or what season it is, or is the King James Bible incorrect? According to my knowledge, the King James Bible is always correct. I also know that man may interpret specific passages in the Bible in a certain manner, but according to God, he may be completely mistaken about such interpretations. Despite the fact that I have been wanting to write a piece similar to this for quite some time now, I have never been able to do so. This is due to the fact that I did not have sufficient knowledge from the Bible, and I also did not have the time to sit down and type it out. Now that I have completed my quarantine period related to the chinavirus, also known as the coronavirus or sars cov 2 covid-19, which is the actual name of the virus, I am able to do so. I find covid-19 to be a bit peculiar. It was on a Wednesday, three days before all of this began, that I had a fever. This was due to the fact that I had received a flu vaccination in preparation for my spiritual ambassador job at the university hospital system. Following the administration of my flu shot, I often get a little temperature. Over the course of around three days, I did have a fluctuating fever. Exactly what I would anticipate from the flu vaccine is that I would have a temperature of 101.6 for about five hours on Friday, 100.1 for approximately four hours on Saturday, and 99.0 for approximately one hour on Sunday. On the other hand, I was strongly urged to obtain a Test for COVID-19 on Sunday, and I did so. I got a positive result of that test on Monday night, when I was feeling better than I had been feeling. There are some individuals I know who have been infected with the coronavirus, and they have been fighting it for a very long time. But in my case, it was nothing more than the symptoms of the illness. Wow, I am not pleased with this illness, and I thought that now, on account of the fact that I am at home, would be the ideal moment to put down these things. You know how things in the Bible come out and haul off and smack you in the face after you have read it over and over again, and then you read it again and again? You was under the impression that you had acquired knowledge about many scenarios from the Bible, including the things that were found in the word of God and the manner in which it is intended to be used. It is not appropriate for you to express gratitude in such a manner because God will reveal his perfect will and shed light on those passages. In the same way that God has illuminated various aspects of his word for me over the course of the last year. What I want to do with the knowledge that God has given me is what every good Christian ought to do with it, and that is to share it with the whole world! This is something that I discovered after going through the Bible on several occasions. When I stumbled into these tidbits of information, I believe that everyone need to be aware of them. My appreciation is directed toward the Lord for the fact that he made reading a job for me. That is the reason why I do not have a large collection of books that were written by the most influential persons who have ever lived; books that discuss how one interprets the word of God. I want to locate the small nuggets by studying the Bible, praying to Jesus, and listening to preaching that is either excellent and solid or by listening to the saints of our day. As a result of this, you will be able to take the word of God and evaluate it for yourself, and you will be able to discern that the Holy Spirit is speaking through a secular book rather than some other author. I did not declare that I do not want to read any books; rather, I am just unwilling to read works that do not adhere to the teachings of the Bible. The church that I go to is where I was having a conversation with a brother in Christ. He insisted that no one knows the day or the hour that the Lord Jesus Christ will come, and he was quite clear about this particular point. I informed him that while I may not be able to pinpoint the exact day or hour, the time and season are coming closer and closer to being perfect. I advised him to have a look at, Philippians chapter five verses one through six. You will see that prophecy is coming out today more than it ever has before if you pay any attention to the media, but not the media that is based in the United States. Just take a look at some of the countries and regions throughout the globe, such as Israel, China, Russia, North Korea, Africa, and Syria. Whatever it is that they are doing, you will discover that it is in accordance with the will of God. According to what he shared with me, the day and time of the coming of Jesus Christ are unknown to anybody other than God. If you believed that you did, you would be considered a heretic. I would have had no choice but to agree with him and acknowledge that he was correct up to the summer of last year. On the other hand, I have learned a few things by regularly reading the Bible, praying to the Lord, listening to the Holy Spirit, and listening to preaching that is of high quality. The things that I discover are relevant to me in a major way. It’s possible that some individuals won’t find this to be surprising, but I haven’t yet encountered anybody who has told me differently. It would be interesting to see whether I would be considered a heretic or someone who has a deep love for the Savior. Let there be truth in the Bible, and let every man be a liar. Unfortunately, I was basing my opinions on a single chapter, which is not a good thing. because I have discovered the two or three books in the Bible that you need to talk from, and you need to speak from them. Let us examine the scriptures in order to come to an understanding of what the Lord will bring to your attention. Another passage that the Lord has placed on my heart is the fifth chapter of 1 Thessalonians. Although I am unable to recite the whole chapter to you, I can tell you that it is a passage of scripture that everyone ought to revere more than they ever have before the present day. There is a good chance that I would say that regarding the whole of the Bible. mainly due to the fact that we are to firmly grasp instruction (the Bible), to not let her go (the Holy Ghost), and to retain her, for she is your only source of life (do not ignore the holy ghost). It is important to avoid entering the route of the wicked (do not engage in stupid actions) and to avoid going in the way of bad persons (do not tempt Satan). It is also important to avoid it, pass it by, turn away from it, and leave it behind. a passage from Proverbs 4:11-35. Put the Lord first in your life, not yourself. 1 Isn’t it what every single saint ought to do, according to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20? Scripture verses 3:1–6 1 and write these words to the angel of the church in Sardis; these things are said by the one who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars; I know the deeds that you have done, and you have a name that you are alive and you are dead. 2 Keep vigilance and fortify the things that are still alive, even though they are on the verge of passing away, because I have not found your efforts to be flawless in the eyes of God. 3 Therefore, recall how you have received and heard, and continue to make a firm commitment to repentance. In the event that you do not keep vigilance, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not be able to predict the exact time that I will arrive at your location. 4 You have a few names even in sardis—names of those who have not soiled their garments—and they will walk with me in white because they are worthy. 5 He who triumphs will be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name from the book of life; rather, I will confess his name before my father and before his angels. His name will be written in the book of life. 6 Whoever has an ear, let him listen to what the Holy Spirit has to say to the churches. The book of revelation was written by John for what reason? During the time when Christians were being persecuted in the seven churches described in the book of revelation, he wrote it because the spirit of God commanded him to do so. He did this so that he might encourage those Christians who were suffering. John is merely taking notes on everything that Jesus is saying to him, so pay attention to what he is saying. You may not be subject to persecution at this time. However, this does not represent for the whole globe, nor does it speak for Chicago, Portland, Minneapolis, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, Seattle, or any other big city in the United States that is democratically managed and has merely bowed to antifa. What are the reasons behind the actions of our nation’s decision-makers, ranging from the highest levels of the United States government to those of state and local politicians? I do think that it is because Satan desires this world, but he is aware that he cannot have it since he is on the time clock of God. It is not necessary for me to write to you if you are following the time clock that God has prepared for you. It is clear from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 that Paul is a reflection of what John stated in the book of revelation. In the book of revelation, there are seven churches that are a reflection of the many centuries that the church has gone through. The current state of affairs in the church is also shown in this photo. As far as I am aware, there are other Christians all throughout the globe who are subjected to everyday persecution. Within the past year, there have been over 260,000,000 people who are experiencing high levels of persecution, 2,983 Christians who have been murdered for their faith, 9,488 churches and other Christian buildings that have been destroyed, and 3,711 believers who have been detained without trial, arrested, sentenced, or imprisoned ( If we allow antifa to get away with their crimes, as certain places are doing, then it will eventually make its way to the borders of America. Do you have any idea what they have done to cities all throughout the United States? The mayors, the district attorneys, and the members of the counsel are all present, but where are they? Oh, you’re right; they were elected with the assistance of certain church pastors and the billionaire George Soros. Soros even helped the city of San Antonio by ensuring that an attorney who specializes in pedophilia was elected to the position of district attorney. How was he able to do that? if you just apply some lovely lipstick on anybody, and then give them as much money as they need, they will be able to do anything. In this piece, you will discover that I will refer to a number of different books from the Bible. In the event that you are unable to recognize the modern church in this particular chapter of scripture, I believe that you should read it several times until you are able to do so. There are some things that Christians are expected to do, and although not all of them are harmful, not all of them are designed to edify the individual through Christ and to build them up. It is my opinion that the activities that you choose to do for other individuals are nothing more than time-consuming activities. These activities take up time that God would have preferred you to devote to studying his word, praying to him, or carrying out his will. things that need time to complete, the time that God has for you to accomplish something for him rather than for worldly people who want you to perform things for them so that they may seem good. Those individuals who have gone on to complete four years of undergraduate study at a Christian institution and now believe that they have a greater understanding of the Bible than you do? I am willing to concede that they need should be aware of some facts that the average believer is not aware of; but, they never reveal anything to you that you are not able to discover on your own investigation. in the event that you study to demonstrate that you are authorized in the eyes of God, a laborer who does not need to be embarrassed, and a righteous divider of the word of truth. Because they believe that you do not have a need to know the word of God, or because they believe that it will never get you any closer to Jesus Christ, they do not believe that you should know the Bible. Is it not the case that those individuals are acting in a manner that is similar to that of the Pharisees in Luke 18:10-14? The fact that Paul mentioned that God utilizes not many intelligent, not many great, and not many noble things is something that I am grateful for. However, I believe that God chose the silly and weak things of the world to confuse the clever and the mighty. Things that are considered to be beneath this body are not to be shown to this flesh in any way. Living in your body is an issue if you do not initially submit yourself to the Lord, first and foremost, according to 1 Corinthians 1:26-29. Why is it that you have to die every day? so allowing Christ to dwell through you. I want to make it clear that I have never attended a Christian college, as you may be able to tell. I went to one of those secular institutions, which is the sort of place that some individuals who had graduated from Christian schools do not like. According to what I have to say to them, if you do not pray and read the Bible throughout the day, you will not develop. It is possible that you will develop in your physical life and get new chances, but your spiritual life will not evolve even if you do all of those things. Do you believe that I have attended education in order to further my Christian way of life further? For me, the school of hard knocks is the perfect example of the Christian school that God had intended for me to attend. And each and every blood-bought believer who is now reading this message holds that school in very high regard. Revelation 3:2–3 describes a conversation between Jesus and John that takes place in Turkey. When you read 1 Thessalonians 5:2–3, you will see that Paul is engaging in conversation with the church that is located in Thessalonica. Paul and John are both writing the same message when it comes to the spiritual life of the saints who are in the churches that they had visited in the past. Because the Bible provides a guide to this crazy thing we call life, I am happy to the Lord that he has included all 66 books in the King James Bible. There are no more or less books than those that are included in the Bible. By reading the Bible and praying to the Lord, you will be able to glimpse into the future and see how things will unfold for you. Through the study of the Bible and the prayer of the Lord, you will be able to see how things are going to work out for your family. Through the study of the Bible and prayer to the Lord, one may get insight into the future of the world and how things are going to unfold. According to the words that are found in the latter portion of verse three, “if therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee like a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee…” In this passage, John reveals to you the outcome of your life if you choose to follow the advice of men and do not study the Bible. Nevertheless, Christ reveals to John that there are still a few individuals who adhere to the word of God in the later half of verse three and into verse four. those who keep vigil and pray for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you going to be like one of those persons who the thief comes to in order to keep others away, and you are left wondering what happened? If you are not watching for Christ to return, since no one knows the day or the hour, then you are going to be like that. Are you going to be like the one who will say, “Lord, Lord,” as it is written in Matthew 7:21-23, and Jesus will say to them, “I never knew you: go from me, you who practice iniquity?” Am I expressing myself in the incorrect way? Not in my opinion at all. I am now studying the Bible in an open manner on the internet as I am doing so. I was perplexed as to why Jesus spoke the parable of the sower, and when I saw revelation 3:1-6, it was as if he were slapping me in the face. This is the case with everything that I have learnt from the Bible, which is exactly what I have learned. For them, I shall forever be grateful to God. One of the songs that we sing on Sunday mornings is one that I assist teach to students in the first through third grades at Sunday school. If you pray and study the Bible on a daily basis, you will experience nothing but growth. Do not pray and study the Bible on a daily basis, and you will find that you are becoming smaller and smaller. Thus, make it a daily habit to pray and study the Bible. You will develop as a result of it along the road. Pray and study the Bible on a daily basis so that you may continue to develop and mature. It is a good idea to look at the story of the 10 virgins in the Bible if you are trying to live like a Christian. This will help you determine how your life will turn out. to what extent do you resemble the five wise virgins? You may find it on this webpage. Are you only attempting to live a Christian life, but you are choosing to do it with all of your strength rather than with Christ? Have you ever behaved in a manner that is comparable to that of a person who has been rescued by Jesus? You are now living a life that is comparable to the third object that the sower tosses the seed to. passages from Matthew 13:1-23, Luke 8:4-18, and Mark 4:1-25 all include the parable of the sower. Additionally, the parable emphasizes the importance of not becoming a reprobate by relating the story of the sower. I am of the opinion that the Holy Spirit is a witness who is represented by Christ. In order to be a witness for Christ, you are required to go out into the world and share your experience with others, explaining how you were saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is via doing two things: first, surrendering to the Lord Jesus Christ and asking him to live through you, and then, after that, studying the Bible and praying continually throughout the day. The fifth and sixth verses of the book of revelation and the first letter of the letter to the Thessalonians were composed in the same manner. The only thing that I can make out is that John and Paul are trying to convey the idea that we will not be aware of the exact day or time. However, given the current moment and season, we no longer need awe and astonishment. What I am going to say is that if you have not paid attention to the media, but not the media in the United States especially, do you want to be like an ostrich who has his head buried in the sand? Could you just wait a moment? If you want to avoid living like this ostrich, I have already written something about it. Please do not do it! If you have any additional opinions, could you kindly share them with me in the comment section? When it comes to the Bible, I think this to be incredible, and would you want to discuss it with me? Revelation 3:1-6, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, a workman who does not need to be embarrassed, and are you like the five wise virgins are some of the articles that are relevant to this topic. , flu of China, Send a friend an email with this story! Get stories like this one sent to your inbox directly from the source! Get a free subscription right now!

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