The proverb that was said by former President Rutherford B. Hayes, who stated, “He serves his party best who serves the nation best,” seems to have been forgotten by the whole Democratic Party for a considerable amount of time. With just a few notable exceptions, the entire Democratic Party has grown fixated on a single issue, and that is the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. To argue that the Democrats have done anything to help the nation in the last two years is an assertion that no one in the United States of America would dare to make. The party of murdered unborn babies and the support of gay and transgender perversions now has Congressman Adam Schiff, who is acting like a lunatic with bug-eyed eyes and a terrible case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, clawing and ripping at a sitting president. With Hollywood celebrities providing money and support for impeachment and progressives foaming at the mouth over Trump’s overwhelming loss of Hillary Clinton in 2016, the mood of retribution has become a black cloud hovering over a political party that was once considered to be of high moral standing. Evangelist Franklin Graham, son of the late Billy Graham, has said that the forces who are standing against President Trump are, in fact, “demonically motivated.” This statement was made as a result of the intensity that the Democrats have shown. Regardless of whether or not they are demons, the unrestrained and brutal assaults on President Trump are out of this world for whatever reason, whether it be imagined or real. In the ideal description of an effort to undermine the President and his whole government, Schiff’s enthusiasm to topple, bring down, destabilize, and destroy Mr. Trump is the ultimate example of such an endeavor. The President of the United States, in his colorful lingo, refers to it as a witch hunt; yet, in truth, it is an effort to undermine that will never have the sanction of the Divine. “To undermine a man in his cause, the Lord approveth not,” is a quote that comes to mind. 36th verse of Lamentations In this day and age of increasing political correctness and communal thinking, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and perverse inclinations are not limited to private persons. The norms of conservatism and natural law are now being criticized by commercial enterprise and companies, who are utilizing their influence to do so. As an example, Chick-fil-A has declared its intention to discontinue its financial support for the Salvation Army. The South African government is widely recognized for its pro-life attitude and its unwavering opposition to homosexuality and transgenderism. However, what is less generally known is that the South African government adopted a similar stance many years ago, despite the fact that it was extremely expensive for them. However, despite the fact that the United Way was one of the most significant support resources available to them at the time, the Salvation Army declined any future assistance from the United Way when it made the decision to pay for abortions. When a very successful business comes after a charity that has been regarded for a long time and has a history of providing humanitarian help that is nearly unmatched in our country, what is the reason? This is the point at which the term “demonic” seems to be an excellent match. Instead of waiting in line for some of that delicious chicken, maybe today is the day you join the line that leads to the Christmas buckets that are distributed by the Salvation Army and donate part of the money that you would have spent on chicken to a worthy cause. Last but not least, it is important to consider the possibility that we have just seen what has the potential to be the most twisted court decision in the annals of our nation’s history. In addition to being a world-class act of warped justice, it was a direct assault on the First Amendment, and it begs to be brought before the highest court in the nation. Because of their efforts to uncover Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the sale of body parts taken from aborted babies, Mr. David Daleiden and his team of fellow reporters were found guilty by a jury in the United States District Court for the District of San Francisco of various charges, including fraud, trespassing, and other offenses. The act of harvesting human body parts is now deemed to be less of a criminal than the act of discovering that crime; this should be considered the new global definition of perversion. The propensity for all things liberal and progressive is often responsible for these obsessive and perverse habits, as we can state with a high degree of degree of certainty. It is possible that we, like Franklin Graham, will argue that it is demonic; yet, it is not entirely essential to attempt to understand the motivation behind this tendency. Being overconfident in oneself is a certain way to bring about one’s own downfall. The promise of devastation is made when one does not acknowledge absolute evil. “There is a path that seems to be right to a man, but the end of that road that leads to death is the way that leads to death.” (15th verse of Proverbs) Associated Journalism Is Not a Criminal Offense Since 2005, Michael Bresciani has served as the editor of the website American Both Bresciani’s writings and reports, as well as those of some of the most talented authors and journalists in the United States, may be found on the website. His timely reports and writings have been published in print and online journals and magazines and have been read by millions of people all over the world and nationwide. Please pay us a visit on GAB and SocialCross, as well as on WhatsApp and Facebook.