“” A surprising discovery has been made by the vegetarian world masters. Fanatically preoccupied individuals who are looking for guiding lights in their lives prefer to look the other way, despite the fact that there is not a single shred of evidence to support the notion that the great religious leaders were not vegetarians. The idea of slaughtering an animal for the purpose of obtaining sustenance was repulsive to the great mystics and religious pioneers of the past. The fact that they made so few references to food was indicative of their eating habits, which were characterized by a diet that was both vegetarian and inexpensive. Is it possible that this indicates that they were vegetarians? It’s possible that this is not the case, but it seems to be the path that they desired their followers to take and the source from where they found their nourishment. Both the feeding habits and the therapeutic aspects appear to have been incorporated in what appears to be a continuous and evolving tradition aimed to maintain the health of the mind and body. The ancients’ oral traditions contain a wealth of information regarding plants, and this information is abundantly reflected in their oral traditions. Animals were frequently used as symbols of everything that humans were to strive for. They were seen as patiently giving of their own milk in order to produce a variety of food that human ingenuity intuitively sought and labored for. No prophet ever looked at nature in any other way than with love and respect, but it appears that they were aware that many of their followers lacked the ability to learn and were more prone to give in to their feelings without giving them any thought or control. however, there is no doubt that animals were exploited by the great instructors to highlight the beauty of those who sought camaraderie in man when they lost their fear of him. Theoretically speaking, it may even be considered that our own widely renowned evolution may be as aberrant as that of genetic illness in so far as spiritual characteristics and evolution are concerned. the eastern wisdom. There is no doubt that Buddha is a very clear and visible evidence of vegetarian rule and that he is at harmony with nature in every element. However, what about the other aspects? It is abundantly clear that their lives were shaped by factors and exposure to a passionate concern not only for life itself, but for all living species on earth. However, very little is known about their day-to-day lives or even their sexual tendencies. However, it is abundantly clear that their lives were based on these elements. The message is conveyed in a straightforward and concise manner through the anecdotes presented from their life, as well as by their remarkable ability to humanize and convey that sensitivity. Unfortunately, at some point in time, the discordant parts of the false prophets distorted the very roots of their master’s teachings for the goal of cheap political purposes. These political purposes were generated from the insecurity of the lack of knowledge in the desire of power for its own sake. jesus or whatever he was called at the time of his teaching period, also specified a distinct buddhist phrase. There has been very little research done on the roots of his teachings, but it is my hope that they were not influenced by religion in any way. If there was any component of religious influence from either of his parents, it would only be a minute portion of the overall color of the cultural image that he depicts. Certain individuals attribute a Greek influence, which, of course, was the prominent doctrine in the northern kingdoms throughout his time period. It is in these countries that the tribes of Israel appear to have settled away from the land of Judaha. galillee was home to a number of well-known Greek organizations, and in certain regions, its own Greek elites collaborated with Roman rulers to accomplish their goals. a Christian interpretation of Greek. The word that has been used in relation to the teachings of Jesus has been referred to as “cynic,” but it does not correspond to the connotation that it has in modern times. the manner of expression and dry puzzle remarks encouraged listeners to contemplate the ethical and practical dimensions of what was being provoked. It is likely that many people, particularly Jews living in the Middle East, must have thought that it was some kind of verbal conjuring trick. It’s possible that this was the intention all along, and it could have something to do with what the prophet meant when he talked about people who had the ability to listen. The parables are, in the main, a source of these insinuations, and one of the intriguing things about them is that in Indian legend, many of these “sayings” appear to have constituted part of the fundamental cultural training of the young. Some examples of these “sayings” include the fig tree, the dead burying the dead, the talent, and the mustard seed. The study of these texts in this context sheds a great lot of light on the way in which Jesus thought and the way in which he desired to awaken the dormant spiritual energies of his disciples, if not their political aspirations. As is the case with all sectarian exhortations, the teachings did not provide easy answers, and each new one brought the previous ones to the forefront, generating a certain degree of mental suspension that ultimately resulted in the “submission” that gurus require in order to bring about the distinctive transformations. It has been said that Jesus received his earliest training in Tibetan, and despite the fact that there is no specific textual evidence to support this claim, it does make some sense. In each and every one of his subsequent interpretations, in both art and culture, the consumption of any kind of meat other than fish is conspicuously absent with no exception. The significance of his own statements, provided that they are original, such as being “the last sacrificial lamb” during the period of severe religious observance that was dedicated to their sacrifice, cannot be overstated. There is a widespread notion that, in addition to being identified with the “lamb of god” in both image and idea, with the flag of victory, his personal crucifixion must have been awesome to those whose hands were still bleeding from the horror of the temple sacrifices. This is because it indicates that the practice was attacked. There is nothing that can be more heinous or devilish than the ruthless killing of something as vulnerable and anguished as a lamb. A lamb is a creature that exemplifies everything that may be linked with the sensitivity and beauty of a human being who is noble and caring. When he referred to them as blessed, it seems possible that this is what he meant. the Indian leader in the field. There is little question that Gandhi adhered to a rigorous vegetarian diet; nevertheless, we have a limited understanding of Mithras and the others who took on his vicarage, such as Zoroaster. It is said that Christianity owes a great deal to its stories of the nativity, for example, and the three magi, and there is no doubt that there is a mithraic residual lore there that is easy to interpret. Even the day of Christmas corresponds with the births of both Jesus and Mithra, and the cave at Bethleham is adorned with a sign that reads “ancient Mithraic site.” There is a great deal of thought on the matter, and it seems that the dietary incentive for the adepts was for plant eating as a way to attain Azhuru Mazda, their god of light. This is the conclusion that can be drawn from the research that has been done on the subject. In spite of the fact that the Parsi, who are the fundamental representatives of this ancient Asian faith, were raised with vegetarian beliefs, along the course of its evolution, the neighboring and invasive countries of Persia, in the absence of good soil in mountainous locations, such as that of the Mongols, hurried towards meat. Currently, the effect of this cuisine that is dominated by meat is encouraging people to adopt vegetarian diets, with the exception of those who are exposed to Buddhism in their immediate environment. A number of individuals who have made the decision to abandon the parental role that is so deeply ingrained in societies have now expressed a sense of liberation from the mounting remorse they feel regarding the slaughter of the animals with which they shared their lives, loved, and even had names. A significant number of these newly born vegetarians are now writing about what they regard to be the superior health benefits of the move, as well as the reasons why they believe this to be the case. Since the Mongols, like all other people that consume a lot of meat, have developed major hereditary health problems, which, according to recent clinical investigations, are currently finding remedies in their new dietary path (much to their amusement – “we have now discovered that we are really rabbits”). one who is a model Mohammed One thing that comes as a surprise to Muslims, given the religious significance of the goat in their tradition of mass sacrifice, is the fact that the Koran does not provide any recommendations about the consumption of goat flesh or the sacrifice of animals. According to academics, Mohammed was a vegetarian, and his occasional indulgence in meat was solely a gesture of sympathy with those who could not face or feel comfortable with a vegetarian diet. It is necessary to believe that Mohammed was a vegetarian based on the citation. It is made very apparent in the Koran that the master strongly urged his disciples to consume meat, but only in the event that they were unable or unable to resist the temptation. In his disciples, he divided them into two distinct groups: those who were able to resist eating meat and those who were unable to do so. For the purposes of the teachings, vegetarians are considered to be at a more advanced degree of spiritual development and to be better fitted to go toward the divine. As far as the sacred writings are concerned, there is no room for misunderstanding in any of the phrases that are used to explain this pro-vegetarian suggestion. The following link: http://www.harekrsna.de/article/islam-vegetarianism.htm Some cultures, such as the Greeks, whose gods are sometimes shown as hunters, are typically served with fruit and vegetables at their feasts. These cultures’ moussaka, which is now a favorite among people all over the world, is a fine illustration of their abundant and well recognized vegetarian food. the romans, despite their warring temperament, were typically highly fish orientated and their “ketchup” which is today created in the form of perring´s sauce, was just anchovies herbs and vinegar. From the beginning of time, dairy products have been served on every table, and cheese, particularly goat cheese, has been a significant component of their diet on a daily basis. In addition, Italians are not particularly fond of eating meat, and even their pasta meals and risottos usually do not contain any meat at all, with the exception of the extremely popular pesto. their link with the devil. There are religious deities that are by nature blood sacrificial and to this day are considered diabolical, with clear signals of repudiation by other civilizations connected with higher noble values. This is in contrast to the fact that the majority of the religious and moral fighters in the east were vegetarians. The opposing armies are afraid to even engage in combat with them, which is one of the reasons why they are sometimes referred to as barbaric due to their ferocity and the terrible animal butchery they engage in. similarly, the Iberians were. Alternately, the people who ate bulls and worshipped them in full fanatical orgies were a religious sect that was exclusive to the worship of the (satanic) god Baal. This was the case despite the fact that Baal was a god of love and commitment to nature, qualities that made him very popular among such a wide variety of peoples throughout the known world at the time. To this day, the religious rituals that are performed in southern Spain to worship idols remain just as pure as they were during the time of Jesus in Palestine and Syria. In point of fact, the most prominent example of Baal-like mithras may be seen in the worship of the sacrificed bull, which is the phoenician heritage of Spain today. Additionally, the prisoner Baal, along with his thistle ornaments, is still preserved in the figure of Jesus during his journey to the cross, and it is possible that this was a factor that influenced his decision to proceed in this manner. There is little doubt that he would have participated in these pagan processions in the same manner that he would have relished the full manifestation of Greek culture, which he had the opportunity to see during his early days in Egypt and which was the heritage of the Ptolemies and Alexander the Great. There are pre-Christian engravings on stone that depict Baal in the same position with his hands crossed, with the same religious cord, shamrock, and head decorations. It is a breathtaking sight to behold. As a result of the church’s unwillingness to acknowledge its pagan roots, they speak of the flashes of light emanating from the nazarene’s head rather than the thistle, which it is undeniably and which was revered by the Phoenicians for its curative qualities. the decadent Romans The terrible displays that took place in Roman arenas were considered to be repressive forms of amusement during those periods of Roman history when its leaders were considered to be gods (despite the fact that Caesar had made the ultimate sacrifice for this). Bullfighting was once an integral component of the Minotaur mythology of Creta, which had vilified this bull/man monster. However, under enlightened leadership, there was never any animal cruelty that ever occurred. Misconceptions that were introduced into the cultures by invading tribes of merciless worship associated to blood baths in preparation for war are the root cause of the attribution of this barbarism to adherents of Christianity or Persian religion. It is possible that the druids adopted the principle of eating human flesh, which may have influenced the puzzling association with Christian beliefs, but which, in representing the absorption of the body of the god, was essentially a fundamental aspect of Baal worship. The Celts themselves were the primary followers of Baal, and they were the ones who influenced Christian leaders to practice blood sacrifice. The weird god who was associated with the three hearts of the shamrock and the tri-corn, which essentially means three horns, is no other than the genesis of the Celtic mass ceremonial murder of opponents and selected young sacrifice victims for divine offer. There is no other origin for this ritual but that of this unusual god. The fact that the Celtic faith was regarded an essential component of chivalric training is quite intriguing. It is for this reason that King Arthur’s father, upon knighting him, emphasized the importance of guarding and preserving the faith. The inquisitorial atrocities and the barbaric practices of the Catholic Church demonstrate the extent to which a nonviolent faith that is founded on the commandments may be surreptitiously absorbed by another with opposing ideas. It is still unclear exactly what it was that constantine sanctioned. In a disturbing manner, the course of the substitutions of the false prophets stands out as being as powerfully underpinned as that of the original and contradictory teachings from which they deviated. These are the blood cults of Asia. Other satanic god-heads, such as the repugnant Kali, who appears to be of a vampire nature and is still followed today by some secret societies, demanded human blood sacrifice. The Aztecs also demanded human blood sacrifice, and the Aztecs’ ritual butchery may have been a remnant of an early Phoenician invasion related to the sacred heart of Baal. There is a good chance that the term bull originates from these sources, given that in Latin it was Taurus, and no one is familiar with anything that is similar to it. It was precisely from this kali demonic energy that the northern Indian Sikhs, along with other sacrificial cults such as the Thugs, drew their inspiration. Under the guise of the holy necessity, millions of people have been slaughtered in caravans, and it was precisely this particular mass, indiscriminate massacre of pilgrims that prompted the government to consecrate sacred warrior priests who were to be dubbed templars. Perhaps this could explain why they were initially required to relate to the ishmaeli hashishim, whose adepts were well-versed in the horrors that they had experienced. Religions that were based on the principles of love and ethics hardly ever resorted to the practice of animal sacrifice or diet, with the exception of the products that they could manufacture from the milk of animals. The reliance on dried meats, which could be transported with relative ease, was frequently a consequence of poor harvests. However, this was done only as a secondary strategy and in the complete absence of the former. Therefore, the world’s religious leaders were more than just suggesting that vegetarianism was a good idea, and it appears that eating meat was an inescapable devilish practice for those who were incapable of sustaining the necessary abstinence. The modern man has, as luck would have it, inherited both sides of the nutritional fence as well as the cultural aspirations of earlier generations. However, the growing realization that meat is associated with the intentional loss of life and a health hazard may yet produce the necessary impulse to restore what was once the fundamental heritage of the majority of our ancestors, which was the comfortable feeling of being at peace with ourselves and the world at large. His debt to the animal kingdom has not yet been redeemed. religion, gurus, ancient religions, Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, Mithras, Zoroaster, Persians, Christians, Greeks, Romans, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Diets, etc. Send a friend an email with this story!Get articles like this one delivered to your inbox directly from the source!Get a free subscription right now! “”

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