What is it that drives you to reduce your weight? Is it possible to maintain that level of motivation over an extended length of time? Is it possible for you to impart that kind of drive to other individuals? Does your motivation come from inside or from without? In the process of investigating the many possibilities of what inspires you, these are all vital questions to ask. Imagine for a moment that you received an invitation to your tenth high school reunion in the mail today. Because the reunion is not yet six months away, you still have time to make preparations. if you say it out loud, “When I was in high school, I wore pants that had a waist that was 36 inches. Now, my waist measures forty inches. What are they going to think of me now that I have gained so much weight?” Immediately after that, you make the decision to go on a diet in order to achieve your goal of fitting into those 36-inch jeans once again and in time for the reunion. Six months have passed since the two extremely bad weight loss motivators were introduced. Those slim jeans are what you wear to the reunion, right? Everyone compliments you on how beautiful you are. after the passage of 10 years, you have not changed at all. Holy cow, you are in a fantastic mood. Losing all of that weight in preparation for the reunion was unquestionably a worthwhile endeavor. The fact that things went so smoothly must have brought you a sense of relief. On the other hand, where has your interest gone? The absence of such motive makes the diet seem to be far less enticing to the majority of individuals, which accounts for around 85 percent of those who diet in preparation for an event. Let’s imagine you decide to leave your relationship with your lover (or girlfriend). Bereft, you make the decision to show him (or her), and as a result, you decide to embark on a diet in order to lose weight out of spite. There are many who could even declare, “I’ll show you how wonderful I can look. what you’ll be missing forever.” as a kind of retribution. As far as psychologists are concerned, the origins of spite or retribution may be traced back to feelings of fury and intense rage. It is only the person who is angry who gets poisoned by wrath. Your target of wrath may not be aware of or care about your promise to lose weight in order to get even with him (or her). An additional ineffective stimulant for weight reduction. a powerful incentive for shedding extra pounds Not looking to external factors for justification is the most effective, and maybe the only, potent, and long-lasting motivator for permanent weight reduction. If we are to speak the truth, we must say that this is the case. No, it develops from the inside out. When one looks in the mirror, it is tinged with feelings of embarrassment and contempt because of what others perceive. The insatiable want to consume the whole bag of potato chips while watching television is the cause of this problem. A difficulty that arises is when one consumes an entire box of Oreo cookies in a single sitting. when you have a large quantity of quarter-pounders and diet coke or when you consistently consume seconds even when you are feeling full. It is the moment when you stare at yourself in the mirror and scream for assistance for the first time. That should serve as the impetus for weight reduction that is both long-term and healthful. In times like this, you are forced to confront the fact that you have relinquished a significant amount of authority with yourself. During that same instant, you come to the realization that you have no control whatsoever over the matter of food. At this point, you are prepared to take action about it for the very final time. Now that you have finished thinking about other people, you are no longer motivated by anybody else. If you want to lose weight, you can no longer afford to utilize your spouse or significant other, your children, or anything else that is not related to you as a powerful motivation. On the other hand, the irony is that you are now prepared to look for assistance and solace from those who are similar to you and are willing to move outside of yourself. Making the determination to reduce one’s weight is not sufficient on its own. You are now required to take action. You can and should learn from the individuals who have discovered meaningful methods to change their lives, and if you find a support group to settle into, you will surround yourself with people who are just as helpless as you are, but who have found ways to give their life purpose. If you want to reduce weight in a manner that is both lasting and beneficial to your health, this is the ideal method. ———————————— The author of the book “The Science of Permanent Weight Loss” is recognized as Sara Dawson. As the proprietor of one of the partner firms of the fischel group, she is the proprietor of the science of lasting weight reduction. The management of weight reduction and fitness is something that she does for private customers.