To us, art seems to be very far away. As a rule, children who live in rural areas of China do not have the chance to participate in artistic activities. Instead, they are expected to assist with chores after school rather than attending art classes where they may learn to dance or paint. While this is going on, the majority of youngsters who live in metropolitan areas are more interested in playing games than they are in dancing or drawing. Due to the intense competition from their peers, both of them are required to devote the majority of their time to studying in order to secure a wealthy future for themselves. People have the misconception that they are unable to comprehend art because they have not had professional instruction. To tell the truth, art has always been all around us. Are you familiar with the lighting that are located in our city? The bulbs are constructed in a variety of designs; some of them are shaped like flowers, which might be considered the flower of the city, bringing beauty to the city; others are long rectangles that parallel with the road in order to make the most of the light. When it comes to design, diverse concepts represent different pursuits of the indigenous people that live there. In addition to providing illumination, they also serve to embellish the city. All of these things are examples of art in action: the design of jewelry and clothing, the adornment of retail malls, and so on. The only way for us to discover beauty in our life is if we have a heart that is capable of enjoying all that is around us. The artist’s thoughts are concentrated in works of art such as oil paintings, which demonstrate the artist’s grasp of life and their appreciation for existence. After gaining an understanding of the meaning that the artist intended to convey, we are able to form our own viewpoints. Many artists are successful despite the fact that they are living in abject poverty. Vincent van Gogh was a man who was painstakingly disturbed and tormented, but despite his great anguish, he was able to create extraordinary art. He was also a man who was intensely private and introspective, and he wrote eloquently about art and about life. He was also a man who was erratic and impulsive, but he had the self-discipline to create an enormous body of work in a career that lasted only ten years. Whenever we take a look at the masterpieces that Van Gogh created, we are able to imagine that he continued to paint while being plagued by disease. We are also able to be inspired by his endurance and encouraged by his passion to art.