It was in the year 1889 that the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh created the renowned picture known as “Starry Night.” One of the lines in the photo is warped, while the other is broken. Both of these line types are shown in the picture. A sparkling fantasy is shown across the whole scenario as a result of the interaction between these two lines. In the composition, the roaring sky provides a striking contrast to the peaceful towns that are also present. The sky, the crossing mountain ranges, and the flame all come together to create a visual equilibrium. After a disagreement with Gauguin in 1889, Van Gogh had a recurrence of his schizophrenia, which led to the amputation of his left ear. He then presented it to a prostitute after wrapping it in a handkerchief and giving it to her. After some time had passed, on May 8th, he voluntarily decided to seek treatment in a mental institution known as Arles Saint Remy. He had been there for 108 days at that point. More than one hundred drawings and more than one hundred oil paintings were produced by Van Gogh during his time spent in the mental institution. He also made a huge quantity of paintings during this time. Over the course of this period, his paintings started to exhibit characteristics of expressionism, which were characterized by a tragic illusion and a gloomy mood. Additionally, Starry Night was included as one of the representatives. Van Gogh was able to make this piece of art after receiving permission from his physician to leave the house during the day. The subject matter of this piece may be described as the landscape of a mental institution at Saint Remy. It is a widely held belief that Van Gogh created the painting “Starry Night” when he was in a state of mental illness. The majority of people are under the impression that this is the magnificent sight that Van Gogh had envisioned. There are some individuals who believe that, in comparison to the expression of love and the apology, it seems to be a more secure and mysterious commodity. The only option left is to remove his left ear, which is the only thing remaining. Because of his irrational acts, he is able to release the genuine emotions that come from the heart, and as a result, he is admitted to a mental institution. On the other hand, Van Gogh had produced more than 150 paintings at this point in time. Is the mental patient really capable of concentrating on the production of art, and do they have the desire to do so? This post-impressionist painting, which is considered to be Van Gogh’s most famous work, is characterized by its bold brushstrokes. An melancholy and dismal emotion is represented by the primary tone, which is blue. Sorrow is represented by brushstrokes that are quite thick. As we gaze out the window, we can see a scenario depicted in this artwork, which depicts a cypress tree that has been painted to seem like a black plume shooting straight up the clouds. The structure of the sky is similar to that of the Whirlpool Galaxy, and it is accompanied by a large number of stars; nevertheless, the moon seems to be in the shape of a faint lunar eclipse. A tranquil feeling is conveyed by the use of straight and short lines in the painting of the hamlet that is located at the bottom of the image. However, it provides a striking contrast to the rough curving lines that are located higher up. Both the painter’s restless passion and the psychedelic picture world are reflected in this extremely exaggerated distortion and the dramatic visual contrast.