The self-portrait that Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian painting artist, is known for is considered to be one of his best drawings. The model of sketch art is a term that has been used to his works of art that have attained a very high level of success. The painter is highly perceptive in this self-portrait, as seen by the use of a variety of lines, including rich and diverse lines, as well as oblique lines with varying degrees, to convey the subtle alterations. Some of the basic strokes in the painting reproductions have numerous turnings, a strong stereo sense, and vivid character expressions. The lines in the painting reproductions are highly alive and flexible, and they have a strong generality. Around the year 1513, a sketch work known as a self-portrait was created using red chalk. Many people are of the opinion that it is the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, which have dimensions of 33.3 kilometers by 21.3 kilometers. We are able to see the great master da Vinci’s way of thinking, his temperament, and the deep knowledge that can be seen in his eyes from this painting. I am really impressed by each and every one of the hairs that are hanging on his face and beard that is located beneath his chin. As a result, we are able to understand the mental condition of Leonardo da Vinci as an intellectual elderly man. He has a strong willpower and a mentality that is tough and unyielding, as seen by his nose and lips. We are aware that the painter have a limitless capacity for originality and expression based on the painting talents shown in this image. Currently, this drawing is kept safe at the library of Turin, which is located in Italy. At the time that this artwork was painted by da Vinci, a significant number of locations in Italy were under French occupation. Milan was captured by the French back in May of 1506. Da Vinci was asked to return by the governor of Milan, Charlie da Ambrose. Within the span of seven years, da Vinci was able to paint a number of portraits, including the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, as well as a marshal, but he was unable to cast it out of bronze. During that time period, Milan’s internal politics continued to be unstable, which had some degree of an impact on the painter’s ability to create his work. After some time had passed, during which the local arms had ejected the French troops, da Vinci was forced to depart Milan. It was in September of 1513 that the brother of Pope Leo ten, Jules Anno Medici, sent an invitation to Leonardo da Vinci to visit Rome once more. As a result of this, da Vinci was dissatisfied since Rafael was the artist that the Pope of Rome really admired. He was then required to dedicate his time and energy to scientific studies. Because he often went to the hospital for autopsies, he had become the subject of widespread confusion all around the globe. There was a myth that he was a magician who often stole the hearts of youngsters in order to produce the medication. Another rumor was that he did not believe in God and that his neighbors never saw him coming to church. It was even stated that whenever he heard the word “mass,” goose bumps would appear all over his body. Even worse was the fact that some people said he had created a toxic liquid. The Pope gave him the order to proceed with the autopsy. During this time period, one of his most beloved pupils took his own life, and simultaneously, another student abandoned him in favor of Rafael. There were a few individuals who were doing their sentence who caused further difficulties and circulated the stories in order to damage Leonardo da Vinci. It was in this difficult setting that he created this work entitled “Self Portrait,” and he was in a very depressed mood at the time.