When we talk about painting, we are referring to the process of applying paint, pigment, color, or another media to a surface (support base). People often use a brush to apply the medium to the foundation of the structure. Other tools, like as knives, airbrushes, and sponges, might also be used at the same time but in different ways. In the realm of art, the painting not only shows the action itself, but it also depicts the subsequent effect of the activity. On the other hand, the painting may also be used outside of the realm of art as a typical business practiced by skilled artisans and builders. Paintings may be supported by a variety of surfaces, including walls, paper, wood, glass, clay, canvas, lacquer, copper, and a wide variety of other materials, including sand, gold leaf, and even actual items. A creativity expression pattern that may take on a variety of shapes is what the artwork is, according to one interpretation. It is possible for the practitioner to demonstrate expressive and intellectual thinking via the use of aesthetics such as composition, sketching, or abstraction, among other techniques. The painting might be highly lifelike and expressive with the narrative content, inner feelings, or symbolic political connotations in the real world. This could be the case in a landscape painting, an abstract painting, a realistic painting, a portrait, or even in a still life painting. In both the eastern and western art worlds, spiritual concepts continue to have a significant amount of sway over a significant section of the history of painting. In the same way that pitch and rhythm are the fundamental components of music, color and tone are the very essence of what you see in a painting. The color may nevertheless create certain psychological affects, which are plainly apparent and notably different from one culture to the next. This is despite the fact that we consider the color to be fairly subjective. From the point of view of individuals who live in the west, the color black corresponds to grief. However, the definition of white is different for persons who are of oriental descent. Painters are unable to generally split all of the colors into the fundamental colors and the colors that are produced from them, such as red, yellow, blue, gray, and so on. As a result, a great number of painters and artists have developed their own color theories independently. They have the goal of making colors more universal and defining them more precisely.